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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Bottom (m)
  • Closing elevation: None.
  • Closing elevation: 891.458 m.
Combined with
  • Loci 2, 4.
  • Loci 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25.
  • None.
  • Locus 1.
  • The south face of the east west wall across the north end of the W CP East, separating the gallery from the West Propylaeum. The south face of a casement wall construction, it is constructed with a combination of large rough hewn ashlars laid east west, some dressed ashlars, and a variety of wadi and field stones for snecking. The dressed ashlars appear to be in reuse, suggested by their random placement so that the angle of their dressing marks is not uniform (see sketch of 18/VI/2005, Seq. No. SP105112). All of the stones have been set with wet mortar, which is especially thick in places around the snecking stones. The wall has six irregular courses preserved above the Locus 20 terracing course. The lowest three courses are bonded to the Locus 25 rubble construction foundation for the Middle Pier Wall (Tr. 97, 2004, Locus 11), and correspond to the level of Locus 9. Other stones in the upper three courses appear to bond with Wall Locus 22 and sections of the Propylaeum Retaining Wall. This wall is assigned to Stage 2 because it rests on Terracing Course Locus 20, and it would have had to be in place to retain the stone and fill strata (Loci 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 19). It is possible that this wall should be assigned to multiple Stages. The lowest three courses may be part of the structural terracing and foundation building for the Middle Pier wall, and thus belong to Stage 2. The upper three courses may be a subsequent construction and belong to Stage 3 or later (see Interpretation section below).
  • The upper three courses in Wall Locus 5 have two correspondances which may suggest that they belong to Stage 3 or Stage 4 rather than to Stage 2. The bottom edge of these three courses correspond approximately to the same level as the start of the ashlar construction in Wall Locus 22 (i.e., the section of Middle Pier Wall – Tr. 97, 2004, Locus 11 – exposed in the SP 105 sounding) above the rubble foundation construction (Locus 25). Both the top of the Locus 25 rubble foundation construction and the bottom of the uppermost three courses in Wall Locus 5 are at a level just above the Locus 9 terracing course, which is the uppermost stone stratum to bond with Locus 25. Therefore, two possibilities exist for staging this portion of Wall Locus 5: (1) these three courses were laid during the Stage 3 construction of the W CP East side walls (Tr. 97, 2004, Loci 11 and 28); or (2) the courses were laid for retention purposes during the Stage 4 floor leveling. Regrettably, the much-needed consolidation and reconstruction efforts previously undertaken in the area have obscured the exact nature of the joins that these three courses share with both the Middle Pier Wall and the Propylaeum Retaining Wall. (See further discussion in the Interpretation below).
  • Locus 20.
  • Locus 2.
  • Unknown.
  • Loci 20, 21.
  • 8.50 m east west-by-3.90 m north south.
  • 4.16 m east west by approx. 0.50-0.65 m north south.
  • South face of east west wall between W CP East and West Propylaeum
  • South face of east wall wall between West CP East and West Propylaeum
  • South face of east wall wall between W CP East and West Propylaeum
Top (m)
  • Opening elevation: 893.758 m.
  • Opening elevation: 0.57 m (north-west) and 0.53 m (north-east).
Phase Description
Stage Description
  • The north portion of the trench.
  • North end, between W CP East and West Propylaeum.
Preserved Height
  • 2.54 m.
  • None.
Bonds to
  • Loci 22, 25 and Propylaeum Retaining Wall.
  • None.
Cuts None.
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 5 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Lower Temenos/Special Project 105". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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