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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Abuts Loci 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Description Locus 18 is the East boundary wall of the trench and is the same as the west wall of the Cistern (Locus 4 of Trench 101). It is a casemate wall of dressed sandstone ashlars on the east and west sides, and is filled with rubble. At the center and south of the trench, the wall was composed of four courses of roughly dressed sandstone ashlars set in soil/dirt; above the steps (Loci 1-5) there are an additional three courses of the wall visible. While the SP94 report posits that the wall rested upon the steps, the removal thereof has revealed that the wall continues below them for one course. The excavation of SP94 revealed that the bottom of the wall rested on sand at a depth of 2.34 m below A at its south most point. The excavation of Loci 15. 16, and 17 in SP111 exposed the rubble course the wall was built on in the north, which appears to be comprised of medium (0.07m to 0.12m) rubble set in dirt. It abuts all of the steps, and the rubble and fill beneath them It is bonded with the South Perimeter Wall (Locus 19), and extends into Locus 19 by almost 0.20 m. Its highest extant course begins 0.37 m below A, and at its lowest at the bottom step (Locus 1), it reaches 2.67 m below A. On its south end, for the last 0.9 m until it reaches Locus 19, and from the top course to a depth of 1.66 m below A, the ashlars of the west face are missing, and the interior fill is exposed. At this point the wall is 0.59 m wide.
Phase V
Combined with Locus 19.
Stage Description Construction of settling tank.
Definition East Wall
Top (m) Opening Elevation: A – 0.37 m.
Location East boundary of trench running north south.
Phase Description Phase V: Late Nabataean CE 1st c. redesign and repairs. The East 'Cistern' is used for storage and possibly...
Size 5.47 m north south-by-1.24 m east west.
Bottom (m) Closing Elevation: A – 2.67 m at north, A – 2.34 m at south.
Preserved Height 2.30 m at north, 1.97 at south.
Stage Stage 1
Underlies None
Bonds to Locus 19
Overlies None
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 18 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Upper Temenos/Special Project 111". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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