Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Architectural or Soil Locus? | Soil |
Definition | Fill. |
Phase Description | Phase VIII: Brief (?) period of abandonment marked by a thin layer of (largely) chocolate brown soil... |
Stage Description | Period of brief abandonment prior to the temple's collapse evidenced by a layer (0.10 to 0.17 m deep) of... |
Stage | Stage 3 |
Top (m) | Top elevation: 906.106 m at the north, 905.426 m at the southwest, 905.446 m at the southeast. |
Phase | VIII |
Description | Earth fill above the Orchestra Floor Locus 17. A darker, wetter soil (Munsell 2.5YR 4/3) than the sandy fill in the loci above, and topped by a lens of ash in the north extending up to the south face of Wall Locus 14. This locus contains many flecks of charcoal, several potsherds, and some roof tile fragments and bone. Fragments of iron banding and nails were found in the southwest quadrant of the locus remnants of the large quantities of iron found in the debris Locus 13 above. One bronze nail was found in the center of the locus. One sherd of Roman stamped ware (Western Sigillata?), diagnostic of the second century CE, was found in the southeast, 0.05 m above the floor. Three coins were found in the southwest at the base of Wall Locus 12, directly below the seat in the west central Cuneous section Locus 7 where an additional six coins were found (see Locus 4). Further analysis of these coins will help to establish the terminus ante quem for the temple destruction. (Seq. 47413). |
Relations | Sealed by Locus 13 fill/debris. Covers the Orchestra Floor Locus 17. Extends up to the northeast face of the Cavea's Retaining Wall Locus 12, the south face of the Pulpitum Wall Locus 14, and the west face of the Central Platform Locus 19. |
Bottom (m) | Bottom elevation: 905.536 m at the north, 905.526 m at the southwest, 905.546 m at the southeast. |
Size | Measurements: 7.00 m in length (north-south), 3.90 m in width (east-west); 0.10 (south) to 0.17 m (north) in depth. |
Suggested Citation
Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 16 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Temple/Trench 47". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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