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Daily Log


  • Find #2
  • Frieze plaque with the legs of a horse found within the south tile stratum


  • Find #3
  • 1B, Stratum B
  • Nice bucchero vase with a possible sphinx head on it

July 4, 1966

Trench 1B

Trenches 1 and 1A were enlarged to the E by another trench 2 x 9m; the trench is called 1B.

In trench 1B the strata continue as in trenches 1 and 1A. However as the trenches advance E, the level of the wall and of the N and S tiles tend to rise in relation to the surface level. In the S part of the trench the E stratum has been artifically leveled with the result that in the profiles the tiles seem to rest within this level rather than on it.

An unusual feature of trench 1B is evident in the area N of the wall. Few tiles were uncovered in what is called the North Tile Stratum; the yellow level, Stratum E, seems tnot to be present., and below the few tiles a level of statues has been uncovered. Perhaps the E stratum


  • Find #2
  • Rosette piece in 1B within the south tile stratum


  • Find #3
  • Frieze with an unknown scene in IB found within the south tile stratum

is scanty here and was dug through recealing the stones. Whatever the relationship of the North Tiles and the stones and Stratum E, perhaps it can be solved in the future trenches.

In the S of trench 1B a fair amount of small enatic stones were found within stratum D and top soil. Some few were found together in a possible order and were left in place.

More frieze is being found in 1B; also more cornice.

The south Tile Stratum is soume what scantier than that in 1 and 1A; this is possibly due to the several trees which were prowing in the area and this broke and turned up the tiles.


  • Find #4
  • Bronze peg found in trench 1B within the south tile stratum




  • Find #2
  • Trench 1B, south tile stratum
  • Another piece of bucchero with relief decoration

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Sarah Cummer info
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Open Context References: Iron age hub
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Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Sarah Cummer. (2017) "SC I (1966-07-04):20-29; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 1 Test 4/1966, ID:375". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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