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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Top (m) Opening elevation: 895.988 m.
Description These even sandstone steps are well hewn, aligned in one row, one course in height, and are tightly laid in mortar. Each step is one block in height and consists of one row of stones in thickness. They are in sturdy condition and covering them all is a worn plaster. Step 1 from the north is comprised of seven ashlars set as stretchers; riser height 0.23 m-by-0.39 m in depth. Step 2 is comprised of nine headers and stretchers. All the other steps are composed of ashlars set as stretchers.Step 1, Ashlar Number: 7, Height: 25 cm, Width/Depth: 42 cm, Step 2, 7, 18 cm, 40 cm, Step 3, 7, 18.5 cm, 38 cm, Step 4, 7, 16.5 cm, 41 cm, Step 5, 7, 16.5 cm, 40 cm, Step 6, 5, 12 cm, 43 cm, Step 7, 5, 12 cm, 53 cm. Above is a chart with the average measurements for each step in Locus 9. Each step was measured and the heights and widths of the ashlars averaged. Ashlars in each row average 6.428 blocks per row. Averaging the height of the steps is 0.169 m, and the average for the width or depth of each step in Locus 9 is 0.42 m. What is interesting about this data is that it can be seen that this set of stairs average more block per row indicating the stairway widened here. These step treads are also higher and the depth of stair is greater. The justification for ascribing these steps to this phase is that all the extant steps and platform landings are considered to have been constructed concurrently.
Abuts Loci 8 and 10 Landing-Platforms.
Overlies Unknown.
Underlies Locus 1 Debris Collapse and Fill
Location Center stairs.
Phase Description Phase IV: Nabataean Grand Design: 1st c. BCE to CE 1st c. The full Lower Temenos is constructed, complete...
Bottom (m) Closing elevation: 894.945 m.
Size 2.70 m north south-by-4.36 m east west.
Stage Stage 1
Combined with Loci 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 and possibly Loci 3 and 4.
Cuts None.
Phase IV
Preserved Height 1.043 m.
Bonds to None.
Stage Description Building of the West Entry Steps and Landing Platforms for West Bath entry.
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Definition Flight of steps
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 9 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Lower Temenos/Trench 102-103". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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