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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Space R13
Excavation Unit NE 4/2
Description Rectangular bin bordered with stones, adjacent to locus 24 on west side, abuts wall 6, plaster of locus 27 laps up on exterior, on surface locus 18, below locus 12, many bones and sherds
Phase 2B
Pottery Bucket
  • 35. no diagnostic ceramic artifacts, but ceramics present
  • 53. EB III
Bone 53. UT, Sh/Gt, IM, LM, UD, BM, SM, R
Bone (Decoded) 53. Ungulate tooth, Sheep/Goat, Immature, Large mammal (larger than sheep/goat), Unknown code (Unidentified?), Butcher mark, Small mammal (smaller than cats), R
Suggested Citation

Meredith S. Chesson, R. Thomas Schaub, Walter E. Rast. (2019) "Locus 25 from Asia/Jordan/Numayra/Unit NE 4-2". In Early Bronze Age Numayra. Meredith S. Chesson, R. Thomas Schaub, Walter E. Rast (Ed). Released: 2019-10-05. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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