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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Bottom (m) Closing elevation: 902.137 m.
Stage Description Construction of early platform.
Definition Soil South of Locus 15 —Early Platform/Wall
Description A soft and loose light reddish brown (Munsell 5 YR 6/4) soil matrix with notable ceramic inclusions. The grainular sand and pebbles suggest this fill was brought from the Wadi.
Phase Description Phase Pre-Site Phase I: Pre-Site Phase I
Preserved Height 0.35 m.
Overlies Locus 20.
Combined with Loci 19 and 20.
Top (m) Opening elevation: 902.487 m.
Size 0.22 m north south-by-3.49 m east west.
Stage Stage 1
Underlies Locus 12.
Phase Pre-Site Phase I
Location In between Locus 26 and Locus 15.
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 19 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Temple/Special Project 107". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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