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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Space R4
Excavation Unit SE 4/1
Description Soft brown ashy deposit with much charcoal and burnt wood, many barley grains, below surface locus 32, east of wall 20, south of wall 22, some human bone
Phase 2B
Pottery Bucket
  • 41. Undiagnostic
  • 42. EB III
  • 57. EB III
  • 58. EB III
  • 62. Undiagnostic
  • 73. no diagnostic ceramic artifacts, but ceramics present
Registered Objects 57. #1811, lance head?
Bone 41. UT, MM, SO, HU; 42. UT, UD, MB, SO; 57. Sh/Gt (2), BR; 73. UD, MM
Bone (Decoded) 41. Ungulate tooth, Medium mammal (cat-dog size up to sheep/goat size), Spall, Human; 42. Ungulate tooth, Unknown code (Unidentified?), Medium bird, Spall; 57. Sheep/Goat (2), Burned, reduced (white); 73. Unknown code (Unidentified?), Medium mammal (cat-dog size up to sheep/goat size)
Flotation 42. 79#119, two cups of charcoal with a number of carbonized grape pips, much charcoal, burnt bone; 57. 79#173, one and a half cups of charcoal with hundreds of carbonized barley grains and some barley rachis, no other seeds detected, fragments of unburnt bone and barley grains; 79#176, six cups of charcoal with probably 6,000 barley grains, grape pips, lentils, possible emmer wheat, unidentified legume, uncarbonized barley grains, few snail shells, burnt bone fragments; 58. 79#182, one-half cup charcoal with several hundred barley grains, no other seeds; 62. 79#183, one cup of charcoal, couple hundred barley rachis or other seeds detected, fragments of burnt bone; 79#202, one-half cup charcoal and light brown dirt, a number of barley grains, grape pips, some barley may be wild, small snail shells
Other 62. Charcoal
Suggested Citation

Meredith S. Chesson, R. Thomas Schaub, Walter E. Rast. (2019) "Locus 45 from Asia/Jordan/Numayra/Unit SE 4-1". In Early Bronze Age Numayra. Meredith S. Chesson, R. Thomas Schaub, Walter E. Rast (Ed). Released: 2019-10-05. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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