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Daily Trench Journal
Area D
Trench 8
June 17, 2007
Recorder: Mila Hover (a.k.a. Melek hanim, MH)
Workers: Mizbah, Necat, Sadik
Today, locus L158 was closed and three different loci were opened: L159 (rectangular shape area along the west baulk, L160 (hard, burnt layer located south of L159 and disappearing into the south baulk), and L161 (surface with a ground stone tool, rock, bone, and ceramic scatter, at the north part of former L158.
In L145, during the removal of the ash stained lining at the bottom of the kiln pit, a white reed pseudomorph layer was exposed. Also, a stress line at the bottom of the kiln pit became apparent. It is oriented NS, and it may be the same stress line observed earlier in the wall of Ubaid structure (L135). The reed lining measures 0.75m x 0.70m, and its north edge is contained within the north wall of the kiln pit.
Excavation of the contents of L159, the rectangular feature (possible storage bin) began. Soil sample of the fill was taken. Depth is not great, only 11cm. Elevation taken.
In L148, removal of the fill continued. Several ground stone tools, fragments of ground stone tools, and cores were excavated from a single area. They were stacked on top of each other, forming a wall-like feature. Large river rocks were intermixed with the stone implements. At the north edge of the locus, a white pseudomorph lining was uncovered. It covers a raised wall of dirt, and slopes down to the south.
Currently, there are three areas with reed or other kind of organic lining exposed in the trench. The stone tool scatters, pottery, bone, and lithics suggest that the entire area may be part of an outside work surface.
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Date | 2007-06-17 |
Year | 2007 |
Has note | The purpose of the daily journal was to record the activities taking place in a trench each day. This included which loci were excavated, how and why loci were excavated and the ongoing impressions of the relationships among loci. It should be noted that journals record the actions, impressions and ideas of trench supervisors during the excavations. They are not, therefore, the final interpretations or syntheses of the emerging data. |
Suggested Citation
Catherine P. Foster, Mila Hover. (2012) "D-8-2007-06-17 from Asia/Turkey/Kenan Tepe/Area D/Trench 8/Locus 143". In Kenan Tepe. Bradley Parker, Peter Cobb (Ed). Released: 2012-03-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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