Late Archaic (Classification Category or Type)
Documentation Note
Prufer, Pedde, and Meindl 2001:14 has dates for archaic periods Late, Middle, and Early that are in BP and correlate with a +50 yr pattern. This is citing Griffin 1967. Griffin's ending date for Late Archaic is placed at 1000 BC which is a 500 yr difference with what is stated in the handbook (Sturtevant 1978:19-27. Stothers and Abel 1993:29-30 discuss the debate of the Late Archaic/ Early Woodland transition, yet they still place the end of the Late Archaic at 1000 BC = 2950 BP. One of the solutions is a new model that inserts a transitional phase from 1000 BC - 600 BC, having the Early Woodland begin at 600 BC.
See: Sturtevant 1978:19-27; Griffin 1967:178; Stothers and Abel 1993:29-30
Suggested Citation
Ohio History Connection and State Historic Preservation Office (OHC-SHPO). (2017) "Late Archaic". In Ohio Site Files. Ohio History Connection and State Historic Preservation Office (OHC-SHPO) (Ed). Released: 2017-10-10. Open Context. <>
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