Florida Site Files Main Site Dataset
Data Table Summary
- Count of Fields (Columns)
- 320
- Count of Rows
- 33038
- Description
This is the main dataset describing sites documented by the Florida State SHPO. To reduce risks associated with sensitive location and property ownership data SHPO officials and the DINAA team redacted some information managed by the SHPO. All location data has reduced geospatial precision. The coordinates published in Open Context are derived from converting SHPO records to quad-tree tiles of limited (~15 km) resolution using methods defined here. Please contact the Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources (FDS-DOHR) if you need greater precision geospatial data or access to any other sensitive data.
Some fields in the dataset have multiple values separated by a semicolon ";" delimiter. These multi-value fields are:
- Has period [URI]
- Has period [Label]
- Has period [Source value]
- Site Type [Source]
- Culture [Source]
- Data Sources
- Florida Site Files (33038)
Suggested Citation
Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FDOS-DHR). (2017) "Florida Site Files Main Site Dataset". In Florida Site Files. Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FDOS-DHR) (Ed). Released: 2017-02-01. Open Context. <https://opencontext.org/tables/b6280b7f-994e-2e86-7caa-e8b384cb5912> DOI: https://doi.org/10.6078/M7DZ067C
Editorial Status
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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)