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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Smithsonian Trinomial Identifier 8BY137
Sortable Trinomial 8BY00137
Variant Trinomial Expression(s)
  • 8-BY-137
  • 8-BY-00137
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Form Number
  • 197903.0
  • 200403.0
  • 200402.0
Form Number BARC
Artifact Category (1) Bone-animal or unidentif
Artifact Category (2) Aboriginal ceramics
Artifact Category (3) Bone-animal or unidentif
Artifact Disposition (3) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (4) Aboriginal ceramics
Artifact Disposition (4) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (5) Hematite
Artifact Disposition (5) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (6) Lithics
Artifact Disposition (6) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (7) Unworked Shell
Artifact Disposition (7) items in this category collected
Artifact Category (8) Shell-worked
Artifact Disposition (8) items in this category collected
Artifact Category (9) Brick/building materials
Artifact Disposition (9) observed by not collected
Artifact Category (10) Bone-animal or unidentif
Artifact Disposition (10) items in this category collected
Artifact Category (11) Worked bone
Artifact Disposition (11) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (12) Aboriginal ceramics
Artifact Disposition (12) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (13) Nonaboriginal ceramics
Artifact Disposition (13) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (14) Daub (unfired bldg clay)
Artifact Disposition (14) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (15) Hematite
Artifact Disposition (15) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (16) Glass
Artifact Disposition (16) observed by not collected
Artifact Category (17) Lithics
Artifact Disposition (17) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (18) Metal
Artifact Disposition (18) all of category was collected
Artifact Category (19) Metal
Artifact Disposition (19) observed by not collected
Artifact Category (20) Unworked Shell
Artifact Disposition (20) items in this category collected
Artifact Category (21) Shell-worked
Artifact Disposition (21) items in this category collected
Artifact Category (22) Unworked Shell
Artifact Disposition (22) items in this category collected
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Remarks on collection strategies or artifacts
  • We didn't collect human bone. Collection stratigies differed among units-e.g., shell was not collected in shovel tests, but all was collected in column samples. We never found exotic-non-local, but if
  • the large bags of bone were not counted
Un-coded site type
  • Artifact Scatter
  • Shoreline site adjoining bay and bayou
  • Village(prehistoric)
Un-coded culture description fired clay
Comments (Primarily temporal or functional interpretations)
  • While there may be both Swift Creek and Weeden Island components, the presence of Swift Creek potery in and of itself may not be sufficient to identify a Swift Creek component sinve early Weeden Islan
  • Prehistoric Weeden Island types
  • Weeden Island shell midden, single occupation, possibly a horseshoe shape midden.
Suggested Citation

David G. Anderson, Joshua Wells, Stephen Yerka, Kelsey Noack Myers, Robert Carl DeMuth, Thaddeus Geoffrey Bissett. (2013) "BY00137 from Americas/United States/Florida/Bay County". In Florida Site Files. Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FDOS-DHR) (Ed). Released: 2013-11-13. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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