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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Record Type Bone specimen
Type of Specimen modern wild individual
Locality Sierra del Aconquija
Province Catamarca
Country Argentina
Other Geographic Note >3500 m.a.s.l., eastern slope of Nevados del Aconquija
Setting (modern specimen) wild free-ranging
Name (modern specimen) N/A
Date (modern specimen) 2007
Repository name reference collection of the Laboratorio de Zooarqueología y Tafonomía de Zonas Áridas (LaZTA, IDACOR, CONICET-UNC)
Repository location Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
Repository web page N/A
Camelid individual identification code (modern individuals only) CMACLGu11
Camelid individual identification alternative code N/A
Camelid individual identification extra information N/A
Skeletal element identification code ASd 91
Skeletal element alternative code N/A
Skeletal element extra information N/A
Scientific name Lama guanicoe
ID method comparison to reference collections, morphology of lower incisors
Common name guanaco
Subspecies / type N/A
Age of individual 3-4 years old
Age criteria / sources bone fusion, tooth eruption/wear (Kaufmann 2009, Puig & Monge 1983)
Sex of individual male
Sex criteria / sources innominate, upper incisors and canines (Kaufmann 2009)
Element Talus
Element extra information N/A
Element segment complete
Element side right
Fusion status of element N/A
Age of element 3-4 years old
Age of element criteria/sources bone fusion (Kaufmann 2009)
Sex of element N/A
Sex of element criteria/sources N/A
Bone conditions met? True
Bone condition - extra information N/A
  • Mondini, Mariana
  • Muñoz, A. Sebastián
Institutional Affiliation
  • CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Bibliography - references cited and others Driesch, A. Von den 1976. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites. Peabody Museum Bulletins (1). Harvard University, Boston.
Kaufmann, C. 2009. Estructura de edad y sexo en guanaco. Estudios actualísticos y arqueológicos en Pampa y Patagonia. Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, Buenos Aires.
Kent, J. 1982 The Domestication and Exploitation of the South American Camelids: Methods of Analysis and their Application to Circum-lacustrine Archaeological Sites in Bolivia and Peru. Tesis doctoral inédita. Depto. de Antropología, Washington Universidad St. Louis, Missouri, pp.626.
Mengoni Goñalons, G. L. & D. C. Elkin 2021. Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) osteometric data from an individual from Northwest Argentina. Released: 2021-09-15. Open Context. (
Mondini, M. & A. S. Muñoz 2017. Osteometrics of South-Central Andean wild camelids: New standards. In: Zooarchaeology in the Neotropics; Environmental Diversity and Human-Animal Interactions (ed. by M. Mondini, A. S. Muñoz & P. M. Fernández), pp. 177-188. Springer, Cham.
Puig, S. & S. Monge. 1983. Determinación de la edad en Lama guanicoe (Muller). Deserta 7: 246-270.
Comments digital caliper: TESA IP65, resolution = 0,01 mm, accuracy = 0,02 mm
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST1
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code AST1
Measurement name Greatest length of the medial half
Measurement description Taken using the distal end as a baseline and positioning the proximal-distal axis of the bone vertically
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST1 (mm) 39.2525
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST2
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code AST2
Measurement name Greatest length of the lateral half
Measurement description Taken as AST1
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST2 (mm) 44.265
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST3
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code AST3
Measurement name Maximum width of distal end
Measurement description Taken as a projection
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST3 (mm) 27.1675
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST4
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code AST4
Measurement name Maximum proximal width
Measurement description Taken perpendicularly to the bone axis
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST4 (mm) 26.405
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST5
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code AST5
Measurement name Trochlear greatest length
Measurement description Taken as AST1
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): AST5 (mm) 34.435
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Suggested Citation

Mariana Mondini, A. Sebastián Muñoz. (2025) "Bone ASd 91 from Americas/Argentina/Catamarca/Sierra del Aconquija/Ind CMACLGu11". In Osteometric Database of South American Camelids. Mariana Mondini, G. Lorena L'Heureux, Carlos R. Belotti López de Medina, Sarah Whitcher Kansa (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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