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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Early Date (BCE) -1000
Late Date (BCE) -600
Object Name Cooking Pot
Catalog Date 2018-12-18
Condition Report Date 2018-12-18
Condition Good
Condition Notes Object is fragmentary but stable. Object sampled for petrography by David Ben-Shlomo (Ariel University) in May 2018. This involved destructive sampling by drilling a small hole into the object. Note by: Melissa Cradic, 12/18/2018.
General Description Fragment of the rim and handle of a cooking pot. Evidence of burning on the exterior. Wheelmade. Red fabricw ith many medium-to-large inclusions.
Object Date (Chronological) Iron I-Iron IIC
Excavation Date 1935-04-04
Primary Location Holbrook Hall, Pacific School of Religion
Drawer 111C
Unit AF19
Excavation Number x10
Provenance The dating of this object is uncertain and based on mixed material. The excavators attributed the date to "MI-LI, ca. 1000 into 7th cent." (Wampler 1947, Tell en-Nasbeh Vol. II, p. 122).
Category Type Ceramic
Subcatagory Ceramic -- Vessel
General Notes Object sampled for petrography by David Ben-Shlomo (Ariel University) in May 2018. This involved destructive sampling by drilling a small hole into the object. Note by: Melissa Cradic, 12/18/2018.
Material Ceramic
Weight (g) 138.8
Depth (cm) 1.0
Diameter (cm) 0.0
Height (cm) 7.6
Length (cm) 0.0
Width (cm) 12.4
Dimension Notes Measurements taken at the widest points.
Decoration None
Completeness Fragment
Manufacture Wheel made
Ceramic Fabric Red fabric with medium-to-large inclusions
Updated 2019-01-29
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Aaron Brody info
Vocabulary: Bade Museum
Spatial Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Suggested Citation

Brooke Norton, William Frederic Badè. (2020) "B2018.1.69 from Asia/Palestinian Authority/Tell en-Nasbeh/Square Sub I/Room 436". In Bade Museum. Aaron Brody (Ed). Released: 2020-07-08. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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