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Relations Associated: Locus 104 Inter-Columnar Wall and Locus 10 western wall (see above).
Description Northernmost column in the trench, fourth column in the Eastern Colonnade (Francesca Column) from the north. This column also remains largely unexcavated. However, we have found red plaster, apparently in situ, sitting where the column would have lain. The drum which would have been attached to this plaster has shifted to the west, now lying slanted away from the trench. We originally believed that the red plaster was a second stage in the plastering of the columns, since there were pieces (none larger than 0.15 m) of white, fluted plaster between the red chunk and the slanted drum. This does not seem to be the case, however, since the inside of the red plaster fits the grooves of the sandstone, column drum and not the flutes of the white plaster. We found a flat drum beneath this slanted drum, but there is 0.01-0.02 m of sandy soil between the founding drum and the plaster facing. This would suggest that the red plaster could have fallen from a higher drum, now collapsed on the column in one large chunk. Having slid down the column, it now appears to be in situ. This would suggest, from the combined information of the two columns, that the white, fluted plaster rested on the greater length of the column — the top, while a strip of red covered an lower course of the column. All of this is extremely tentative, nevertheless, since red plaster has been found on a lower drum of a column in Trench 23. We know for certain that the columns were plastered both red (flat) and white (fluted).
Stage Stage 1
Phase II
Top (m) Top elevation: Indeterminable, slanted drum rests on top.
Definition Northern column (Francesca Column).
Stage Description Distyle columns erected.
Phase Description Phase II: First period of major Nabataean construction at the Great Temple complex in the 1st c. BCE. The...
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 102 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Temple/Trench 15 Part II". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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