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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Grouping Ape
Observation Number (Open Context) 96
Subspecies Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii
Common name Southwest Bornean orangutan
Period of study 2003 - 2005
Country or Region Borneo
Method Direct observation
Wet season Unknown
Dry season Unknown
Environment Peat swamp
Altitude (m) 2 (Russon et al 2009)
% Fruit 35.7
% Leaves 26.8
% Flowers 13.2
% Pith & stems 5.1
% Herbs 8.5
% Invertebrates 3.0
% Bark and cambium 6.4
% Other 1.3
Fruit availability peak Unknown
Low fruit availability Unknown
Percentages Based on average diet composition
Notes Data taken from Table 9.4. Herbs are comprised of other vegetation, Invertebrates includes all animal matter, this information was included here because insects are generally consumed in greater quantities than vertebrate animals. Flowers are probably a preferred food item when they are in flush.
Reference Russon et al., 2009
Full Reference
Russon, A. E., Wich, S. A., Ancrenaz, M., Kanamori, T., Knott, C. D., Kuze, N., Morrogh-Bernard, H. C., Pratje, P., Ramlee, H., Rodman, P., Sawang, A., Sidiyasa, K., Singleton, I. and van Schaik, C. P. (2009). Geographic variation in orangutan diets. In: S. A. Wich, S. S. U. Atmoko, T. M. Setia, and C. P. van Schaik (eds) Geographic variation in behavioral ecology and conservation. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Pages: 135-156. [Available at:]
Suggested Citation

Rebecca Haywood. (2020) "Ape 96 from Asia/Borneo/Tuanan, Central Kalimantan, Borneo". In Database of non-human primate dietary studies. Rebecca Haywood (Ed). Released: 2020-08-21. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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