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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
RegNo 1
RegPart 0
Materical code SC
Material category Sculpture
Other location description Maratheri = Survey square III/F
Survey grid square III/F
Date discovered 1983-07-01
Other note book BLUE NOTEBOOK, "MARION SURVEY SHERDS, 1983, 1985", p. 28
Find number 12
Object Statuette, standing male, draped
Object part Fragment: upper body, proper right arm bent at elbow, forearm across body under cloak, hand protrudes and appears to grasp diagonal edge of cloak. Missing: head, lower body with feet.
Dimension units centimeter (cm)
Part height (Note) 12.1
Part thickness (Note) 3.9
Part width (Note) 9.1
Material type (from notes) Limestone
Material notes Limestone
Museum Polis Museum
Museum assigned ID Tray 1
Museum year February 2013
Museum sequence number MMA 731
Remarks Photographed by Chris Parks, B/W, June 1999 Fragment: upper body, proper right arm bent at elbow, forearm across body under cloak, hand protrudes and appears to grasp diagonal edge of cloak. Proper left arm held at side, hand with fingers extended. Missing: head, lower body with feet. Surface good; no trace of colour. Diagonal line from proper left side of neck to hand = the edge of the cloak; vertical line from right side of neck to proper left wrist = the other edge of the cloak; long slightly diagonal line from proper left shoulder outter edge to bottome of fragment = fold or edge of cloak. Proper right hand is much larger (2.3cm) than left (1.5cm) measured arcross little finger to thumb; very similar in this regard to SC 24/ R15580), which is generally closely similar though a few mm smaller. Back: flat, unarticulated; modern gouge down back from proper right shoulder to bottom. Comparanda: Hermary, CatLouvreSculpt, no 53, AM 3429, from Golgoi, p.43: 2nd 1/4 or middle 6th century
Date entered 1997-06-21
Date changed 2014-04-17
Check Date 2013-06-21
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Joanna Smith info
Vocabulary: Excavations at Polis
Suggested Citation

Joanna Smith. (2017) "Reg. 1 from Europe/Cyprus/Polis Chrysochous/SURVEY1". In Excavations at Polis. Joanna Smith (Ed). Released: 2017-01-30. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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