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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Site number Cl-0081_R2
Project name E. T. Slider Permit Area (ID# 199201279)
Surface exploration methods On February 2, 1995, the bank of the Ohio River on 12Cl181 was visually examined. A portion of the bank approximately 60cm in width had recently slumped to the base of the bank, and the beach was covered with a thick layer of silt. Visibility along the entire near-vertical bank exposure was close to 100%, since the entire side had recently slumped and provided a fresh surface for observation. Weeds and saplings were small and sparse so that the entire base of the bank could be walked and the slope observed.
NRHP register 0
IRHSS register 0
Site type
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Smithsonian Trinomial Identifier 12Cl81
Sortable Trinomial 12Cl00081
Variant Trinomial Expression(s)
  • 12-Cl-81
  • 12-Cl-00081
Suggested Citation

David G. Anderson, Joshua Wells, Stephen Yerka, Kelsey Noack Myers, Robert Carl DeMuth, Thaddeus Geoffrey Bissett. (2014) "Site 55119 from Americas/United States/Kentucky/Oldham County". In Indiana Site Files. Indiana DNR-DHPA (Ed). Released: 2014-03-08. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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