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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Location Code 13
Site Category Polis
Cultural Type Coastal Hellenistic Acculturated
Tomb Type 3
Topography gevinde 5
Typology heroion
Inscribed heroion
Feature grave inscription
Detail ETAM 1998
UTM-X Coord 443967.0
UTM-Y Coord 4031195.0
Elevation 985.0
Latitude 36.42432077
Longitude 32.37493073
Has note This is a preliminary draft release of Roman-Era tombs documented in survey of Cilicia. Additional documentation is forthcoming.
Suggested Citation

Nicholas K. Rauh. (2012) "Tomb: IlIca Kale-3 from Asia/Turkey/IlIca Kale". In Rough Cilicia. Nicholas K. Rauh (Ed). Released: 2012-04-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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