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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Date 2004-06-25
Recorder WRC
Start Time 2014-04-01
End Time 2014-04-01
Start Time (date) 2004-06-25:02:00:00
End Time (date) 2004-06-25:02:13:00
Area or Toponym Paleokastro
Location and Description Immediately to the S. of the dirt road running along the base of Vigla.
Evergreens False
Decidiuous False
Scrub or Phrygana False
Maquis False
Grass or Weeds False
Barren False
General Info Legal and Standard Other False
Olives False
Vineyard False
Citrus False
Apricot False
Almonds False
Other Orchard/grove False
Vegetation, Small-leafed False
Veg, Broad-leafed False
Greens False
Grain False
Grain Stubble True
Kalamboki False
Other Vegetation False
Dominant Vegetation Height <= ankle
Percent Visible 30
Comments Some matted grain stubble makes visibilty variable and generally low.
Farm Plowed
Soil Compacted
Background Disturbance Light
Sherd Crusting None
Surface Clast Size Coarse Gravel (75-19mm)
Comments (field) Short:uncut slope in middle of unit with cobble and occassional cut blocks.
Walker Spacing 10
Bearing 84.0
Direction From North
Number of Bags 2.0
Survey Type Standard
Digital True
Color False
Total object (count) 279
Sherds 261
Tiles 16
Lithics 0
Surveyunits Area Other 2
Ceramics 277
Ceramic density 8656.25
Area walked 320.0
Unit area 1600.0
Has note

This records information collected by field teams for each survey given unit. This information includes the number of different artifact classes (pottery, tile, stone, other) counted in each fieldwalker's transects, which provides the total count and density for the unit. It also includes environmental features of the unit (vegetation, soil, etc.) and the logistics of collection (date, time, location, etc.). We recorded the information on paper forms in the field at the time of survey and subsequently keyed the data into a Microsoft Access database, which we linked to a GIS plot of the survey units. We scanned the paper forms and archived a copy of the physical forms at the University of North Dakota.

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
William R. Caraher info
Vocabulary: Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project I: Pedestrian Survey
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Spatial Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Republic of Cyprus info
Vocabulary: GeoNames
Open Context References: Republic of Cyprus hub
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Suggested Citation

William R. Caraher. (2013) "Unit 64 from Europe/Cyprus/PKAP Survey Area/Paleokastro". In Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project I: Pedestrian Survey. David K. Pettegrew, William R. Caraher, R. Scott Moore (Ed). Released: 2013-10-25. Open Context. <>

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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)