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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Culture Twentieth C American
Site Type Land-terrestrial
Site Name Not Named [NN]
Date of SHPO evaluation 2010-11-10
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Smithsonian Trinomial Identifier 8SR1807
Sortable Trinomial 8SR01807
Variant Trinomial Expression(s)
  • 8-SR-1807
  • 8-SR-01807
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Un-coded site type Historic to mid 20th C Scatter
Comments (Primarily temporal or functional interpretations) Locus SR-18-04 is a small triangle shaped site, measuring 20m (65.6ft) east-west by 20m (65.6ft) north south (ca. 0.04ha[0.10ac]). ocus SR-18-04 appears to represent a small, low density, early to mid-twentieth century occupation(ca. 1910 to 1940).
Suggested Citation

David G. Anderson, Joshua Wells, Stephen Yerka, Kelsey Noack Myers, Robert Carl DeMuth, Thaddeus Geoffrey Bissett. (2013) "SR01807 from Americas/United States/Florida/Santa Rosa County". In Florida Site Files. Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FDOS-DHR) (Ed). Released: 2013-11-13. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
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