Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Bottom (m) | Closing Levels: 905.526 masl. |
Description | This sandstone curb or wall is preserved only to one course, south of the pulpitum curb and adytus maximus floor and north of the northern "horn" of the Theatron seating (the exposed edge of the Theatron fill in Trench 62). Originally thought to have been the retaining wall of the Theatron, it was discovered that not only does this wall sit on top of the adytus maximus floor, but that another wall exists behind (south of) this wall which originally functioned as the Theatron north retaining wall (see Locus 60 above). Therefore, this wall probably served as a curb/wall narrowing the adytus maximus and restricting access, or as and emergency buttress or repair to the earlier retaining wall. |
Definition | Late South Curb/Wall |
Top (m) | Opening Levels: 905.876 masl. |
Suggested Citation
Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 21 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Temple/Trench 62". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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