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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Locus Number 7
Legacy Database LocusID 971
Legacy Database TBTID 366
Locus Year 2011
Open Date 2011-07-26
Close Date 2011-07-29
Open Page 67
Close Page 91
Soil Samples False
Photos True
Description Locus 7 was olive green and brown in color and claylike in texture. Ample organic matter remained in this locus. This material primarily stemmed from the root within the northeastern corner; the superficial plant/weed roots of locus 5 were removed with the humous layer. Few rocks were present in this locus, though they were considerably small. Pottery increased considerably from locus 5 to locus 7; in fact, locus 7 yielded the most pottery, particularly fine impasto, of all 8 loci of CB 46 (128 pieces or 40% of the total 319 sherds discovered in CB-46). The only bone in CB-46 was found within this locus (7 fragments). An antefix fragment was found within this locus, dateable to the archaic period. Locus 7 was conflated with Locus 2 and Locus 6.
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Opening Grid Coordinates
EW (x) NS (y) Elevation (z) Rotation Order
0 -33 29.63 1
-1 -33 29.63 2
-1 -35 29.63 3
0 -35 29.67 4
Closing Grid Coordinates
EW (x) NS (y) Elevation (z) Rotation Order
0 -33 29.52 1
-1 -33 29.56 2
-1 -35 29.47 3
0 -35 29.45 4
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2017) "Locus 7 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate B/Civitate B 46/2011, ID:640". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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