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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Summary Cleaning surface of eastern extension

Dry sieve
Date Excavated 2009-06-02
Min Elevation 7.67
Max Elevation 7.99
Description SU 7011 is a surface cleaning unit from the eastern part of the trench. This area was previously excavated by the DOA and contains two N-S walls (7011_f1; 7011_f2) with architectural fall debris between. We scraped off any hard winter crust from the very soft-light tan to brown debris which contains large pieces of tile, stones (cobble-boulder) and mortar fragments.

Few artifacts other than mortar fragments and tile were recovered.

Top Level
NW: 7.73
C: 7.67
SE: 7.67
On Wall: 7.99

Bottom Level
Same as top levels
Munsell 7.5YR 6/4
Texture Sandy Clay
Consolidation Fine-grained Sediment: Firm
Stoniness 40
Dominant Clast Sand
Field Illustration 7011-12
Field Photo 7011-p1-top
Field Photo 7011-p2-feature
Field Photo 7011-p3-feature
Field Photo 7011-p4-feature
Suggested Citation

David K. Pettegrew, William R. Caraher, R. Scott Moore. (2019) "SU-7011 from Europe/Cyprus/PKAP Survey Area/Koutsopetria/EU-12". In Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project II: Geophysics and Excavation. David K. Pettegrew, William R. Caraher, R. Scott Moore (Ed). Released: 2019-12-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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