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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Object Type Bulla or sealing
General type Tyches
Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) Neg. ID 733458
Unit ID CB4.8.102
Locus CB48022
Inventory ID K00BL 0195
Catalog ID TY 051
Color Very dark grey to black
Preservation of sealing Fully preserved or intact
Shape of sealing Irregular
Maximum preserved size of sealing (mm) 12.0
Preservation of impression 3/4 preserved or intact
Shape of impression Up-and-down oval
Maximum preserved size of impression (mm) 9.0
Condition of impression Fair
Editorial Note

Additional information about the interpretive and scholarly context of these sealings is available in:

Herbert, S.C., 2023. University of Michigan and University of Minnesota Excavations at Tel Kedesh I: The Hellenistic Archive and its Sealings. Archaeological Reports, 30. American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR). ISBN-13: 9780897571180.

Image ty-51-k00-0195-3-1.tif
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Has type
Vocabulary: CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM)
seals (marks) info
Vocabulary: Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus
Open Context References: seals (marks) hub
Suggested Citation

Sharon Herbert. (2025) "K00BL 0195 from Asia/Israel/Tel Kedesh/Locus CB48022". In Tel Kedesh Sealing Images. Sharon Herbert (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Copyright License

To the extent to which copyright applies, this content carries the above license. Follow the link to understand specific permissions and requirements.

Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)