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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Smithsonian Trinomial Identifier 8SL1646
Sortable Trinomial 8SL01646
Variant Trinomial Expression(s)
  • 8-SL-1646
  • 8-SL-01646
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Remarks on collection strategies or artifacts Shark teeth; Sparse quantity of none artifacts with a long period of manufacture making a specific period difficult to infer.
Un-coded site type Citrus grove, originally hammock in a fresh water marsh.
Un-coded culture description Dense faunal midden with sparse artifact and sand ...
Comments (Primarily temporal or functional interpretations)
  • Site type likely a resource procurement campsite.Limited diagnostic artifact in the form of sparse sand tempered plain ceramics, on e lithic stemmed point base, drilled and undrilled shark teeth, one
  • Based on location, depth, quantity and types of bone, this appears to be a repeatedly used site. No ceramics observed in the single shovel test. One lithic flake recovered.
Suggested Citation

David G. Anderson, Joshua Wells, Stephen Yerka, Kelsey Noack Myers, Robert Carl DeMuth, Thaddeus Geoffrey Bissett. (2013) "SL01646 from Americas/United States/Florida/Saint Lucie County". In Florida Site Files. Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (FDOS-DHR) (Ed). Released: 2013-11-13. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
10 km
10 mi
Leaflet Map data: ©, Map data: ©
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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)