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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Record Type Bone specimen
Type of Specimen modern wild individual
Locality Sierra del Aconquija
Province Catamarca
Country Argentina
Other Geographic Note >3500 m.a.s.l., eastern slope of Nevados del Aconquija
Setting (modern specimen) wild free-ranging
Name (modern specimen) N/A
Date (modern specimen) 2007
Repository name reference collection of the Laboratorio de Zooarqueología y Tafonomía de Zonas Áridas (LaZTA, IDACOR, CONICET-UNC)
Repository location Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
Repository web page N/A
Camelid individual identification code (modern individuals only) CMACLGu11
Camelid individual identification alternative code N/A
Camelid individual identification extra information N/A
Skeletal element identification code HUd 32
Skeletal element alternative code N/A
Skeletal element extra information N/A
Scientific name Lama guanicoe
ID method comparison to reference collections, morphology of lower incisors
Common name guanaco
Subspecies / type N/A
Age of individual 3-4 years old
Age criteria / sources bone fusion, tooth eruption/wear (Kaufmann 2009, Puig & Monge 1983)
Sex of individual male
Sex criteria / sources innominate, upper incisors and canines (Kaufmann 2009)
Element Humerus
Element extra information N/A
Element segment complete
Element side right
Fusion status of element Fused and Semi-fused (HU2)
Age of element 3-4 years old
Age of element criteria/sources bone fusion (Kaufmann 2009)
Sex of element N/A
Sex of element criteria/sources N/A
Bone conditions met? True
Bone condition - extra information N/A
  • Mondini, Mariana
  • Muñoz, A. Sebastián
Institutional Affiliation
  • CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Bibliography - references cited and others Driesch, A. Von den 1976. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites. Peabody Museum Bulletins (1). Harvard University, Boston.
Kaufmann, C. 2009. Estructura de edad y sexo en guanaco. Estudios actualísticos y arqueológicos en Pampa y Patagonia. Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, Buenos Aires.
Kent, J. 1982 The Domestication and Exploitation of the South American Camelids: Methods of Analysis and their Application to Circum-lacustrine Archaeological Sites in Bolivia and Peru. Tesis doctoral inédita. Depto. de Antropología, Washington Universidad St. Louis, Missouri, pp.626.
Mengoni Goñalons, G. L. & D. C. Elkin 2021. Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) osteometric data from an individual from Northwest Argentina. Released: 2021-09-15. Open Context. (
Mondini, M. & A. S. Muñoz 2017. Osteometrics of South-Central Andean wild camelids: New standards. In: Zooarchaeology in the Neotropics; Environmental Diversity and Human-Animal Interactions (ed. by M. Mondini, A. S. Muñoz & P. M. Fernández), pp. 177-188. Springer, Cham.
Puig, S. & S. Monge. 1983. Determinación de la edad en Lama guanicoe (Muller). Deserta 7: 246-270.
Comments digital caliper: TESA IP65, resolution = 0,01 mm, accuracy = 0,02 mm
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM1
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code HUM1
Measurement name Greatest length
Measurement description Taken proximo-distally using the tangent to the distal condyles as a baseline and measuring perpendicular to this tangent to the most proximal point in projection
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM1 (mm) 221.0
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used osteometric board
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM2
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code HUM2
Measurement name Greatest length of caput humeri
Measurement description Taken in the same manner as HUM158 (Kent 1982) except proximal point on the humeral head
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM2 (mm) 211.0
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used osteometric board
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM3
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code HUM3
Measurement name Breadth of proximal end
Measurement description Taken medio-laterally with the scale of the measurement instrument on a line formed by the tangent to the most cranial edges of the greater and lesser tuberosities of the proximal end
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM3 (mm) 52.2175
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM4
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code HUM4
Measurement name Breadth of caput humeri
Measurement description Taken medio-laterally across center of caput humeri from the medial to lateral edge of articular surface
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM4 (mm) 39.4675
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM5
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code HUM5
Measurement name Diagonal width of proximal end
Measurement description Taken cranio-caudally using as a baseline the tangent to the most cranial points of the greater and lesser tuberosities and measuring to the most caudal point on the caput humeri
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM5 (mm) 61.645
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM6
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code HUM6
Measurement name Breadth of distal end
Measurement description Taken medio-laterally and measured (…) with measurement scale on a line tangent to the most cranial points on the medial and lateral edges of the distal condyle
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM6 (mm) 48.64
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM7
Measurement system Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021)
Measurement code HUM7
Measurement name Breadth of distal condyle
Measurement description Taken medio-laterally parallel to HUM150 (Kent 1982) except on the articular surface of the condyle only
Mengoni Goñalons & Elkin (2021): HUM7 (mm) 45.735
Measurement range (+/-) N/A
Instrument used digital calliper 0.01 precision
Measurement times 4
Measurement observers 2
Measurement error sources inter-observation variation ≤3%
Reference(s) or unpublished Mondini & Muñoz (2017)
Suggested Citation

Mariana Mondini, A. Sebastián Muñoz. (2025) "Bone HUd 32 from Americas/Argentina/Catamarca/Sierra del Aconquija/Ind CMACLGu11". In Osteometric Database of South American Camelids. Mariana Mondini, G. Lorena L'Heureux, Carlos R. Belotti López de Medina, Sarah Whitcher Kansa (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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