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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Grouping Ape
Observation Number (Open Context) 85
Subspecies Pongo abelii
Common name Sumatran orangutan
Period of study April - November 1971
Country or Region Indonesia
Method Direct observation, faecal analysis and trail remains
Wet season April, August - September, December
Dry season October - November, January - March, May - July
Environment Thickly forested, moist valleys
Altitude (m) 300 - 1000
% Fruit 84.7
% Leaves 10.2
% Invertebrates 0.6
% Bark and cambium 4.5
Fruit availability peak April - November
Low fruit availability Unknown
Percentages Based on time spent feeding
Notes Percentages estimates taken from Rodman 1988 (Table 3.3)
Reference MacKinnon 1974
Scanning method Animals were followed and observed whenever they were encountered
Full Reference
MacKinnon, J. (1974). The behaviour and ecology of wild orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus). Animal Behaviour, 22: 3-74. [Available at:]
Suggested Citation

Rebecca Haywood. (2020) "Ape 85 from Asia/Sumatra/Ranun, West Langkat Reserve, Sumatra". In Database of non-human primate dietary studies. Rebecca Haywood (Ed). Released: 2020-08-21. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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