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Çukuriçi Höyük Zooarchaeology

Zooarchaeology of Late Neolithic - Early Bronze Age Çukuriçi Höyük, Turkey

Project Abstract


The excavations at the Çukuriçi Höyük were conceived from the beginning as a wide interdisciplinary project. The Höyük is situated in vicinity of the ancient metropolis Asiae Ephesos and dates from the late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze Age. The excavation areas at the northern and southern border revealed at least several architectural phases. The northern sector offered the oldest sequences dating to the late Neolithic/early Chalcolithic (here presented - phase VIII 6200-6000 cal. BC). The trench contained two parallel stone basements for mud walls reconstructed as a small room or house, as well as postholes, pits and a contemporary stamped clay floor. A contemporary destruction level with various finds superimposed on this living area. Architectural phases (phase VII and VI) uncovered again areas of occupation, including a stamped clay floor and a platform made of stones. These complexes date to the late Chalcolithic (4th mill. B.C.E.) and probably to the Early Bronze Age 1 (EBA 1). The structures associated with the EBA phases (phase IV and III; 3rd mill. B.C.) are best documented at the southern part of the Höyük. There excavations documented well preserved architectural remains as several multi-room houses.



Potential Applications of Data


Heske, I., Horejs, B. (Hrsg.)

Bronzezeitliche Identitäten und Objekte. Beiträge aus den Sitzungen der AG Bronzezeit auf der 80. Tagung des WSVA in Nürnberg 2010 und dem 7. Deutschen Archäologenkongress in Bremen 2011. Bonn, Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie.

Horejs, B.

Çukuriçi Höyük. A Neolithic and Bronze Age Settlement in the Region of Ephesos. The Neolithic in Turkey, Vol. 4, edited by M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen, P. Kuniholm, pp. 117-131. Istanbul, Archaeology and Art Publications.

Horejs, B., Galik, A., Thanheiser, U., Wiesinger, S.

Aktivitäten und Substistenz des Çukuriçi Höyük. Der Forschungsstand nach den Ausgrabungen 2006-2009. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 86:31-66.

Galik, A., Horejs, B.

Çukuriçi Höyük – Various Aspects of its Earliest Settlement Phase. Beginnings - New Research in the Appearance of the Neolithic between Northwest Anatolia and the Carpathian Basin, Vol. 4, edited by Raiko Krauss, pp. 83-94. Verlag Marie Leihdorf GmbH.Rahden/Westfalen.

Horejs, B.

Çukuriçi Höyük. Neue Ausgrabungen auf einem Tell bei Ephesos. The Land of the Crossroads Essays in Honour of Recep Meriç, edited by Serdar Aybek and Ali Kazým Öz, pp. 167-175. Homer Kitabevi.

Horejs, B.

Metalworkers at the Çukurici Höyük? An Early Bronze Age Mould and a "Near Eastern Weight" from Western Anatolia. Metals and societies : studies in honour of Barbara S. Ottaway, edited by Tobias L. Kienlin and Ben W. Roberts, pp. 358-368. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie, 169.

Bergner, M., Horejs, B., Pernicka E.

Zur Herkunft der Obsidianartefakte vom Çukuriçi Höyük. Studia Troica 18:249-271.

Horejs, B.

Çukuriçi Höyük. A New Excavation Project in the Eastern Aegean. Aegean and Balkan Prehistory

Publication Note

Open Context published this dataset as part of a larger data integration project involving participants in the Anatolia Zooarchaeology Working Group (led by Benjamin Arbuckle). The project " Biogeography of Early Domestic Animals using Linked Open Data " was funded with a Computable Data Challenge award from the Encyclopedia of Life. The project published and integrated zooarchaeological data from 13 sites in Turkey, spanning the Epipaleolithic through the Bronze Age. Open Context editors made the integrated and published data in this study available for convenient mass-download in tabular (CSV) form via GitHub .

Image Credit

Credit for this project's illustrative image Wikimedia (CC-0 Public Domain)

Suggested Citation

Alfred Galik. (2013) "Çukuriçi Höyük Zooarchaeology". Released: 2013-02-25. Open Context. <> DOI: ARK (Archive):

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