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The Mesoamerican Cattle Project: Zooarchaeology of Cows in Early Spanish America

Results of zooarchaeological, morphometric and genetic research in four early colonial sites in the Circumcarribean region

Project Abstract

Image credit: Nicolas Delsol

This project introduces the results of the dissertation research of Nicolas Delsol (University of Florida – Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, FL) focusing on the introduction of cows in the Circumcarribean area during the first centuries of European presence in the region. This research combines different methodological approaches (zooarchaeology, morphometrics, ancient DNA) to analyze archaeological faunal remains from four locations across this region: Puerto Real in Haiti (previously studied by Elizabeth Reitz), Merida in Yucatan, Mexico, Mexico City and Antigua Guatemala.

Suggested Citation

Nicolas Delsol. (2025) "The Mesoamerican Cattle Project: Zooarchaeology of Cows in Early Spanish America". Released: In prep. Open Context. <> DOI:

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