B2 (Burning Code 2) (Descriptive Attribute)
Documentation Note
(2 Fields, separated if burning stages are different)
Numeral 1 | Numeral 2 |
1 Yellow-brown to Pink-brown (220-350 C) | 1 Burned over entire piece |
2 Dark brown to black (350-400 C) | 2 Burned Proximal |
3 Dark blue-gray to light grey (400-500 C) | 3 Burned Middle |
4 Pink-grey to white (Calcined) (500 C) | 4 Burned Distal | 5 Burned Prox. and Md. |
6 Burned Dist. and Md. | |
7 Burned Prox. and Dist. | |
8 Burned Interior Only | |
9 Burned Exterior Only | |
0 Burned in part |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Peter W Stahl
Vocabulary: Zooarchaeological Data from the Historic Hacienda El Progreso San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos, Ecuador |
Spatial Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Suggested Citation
Peter W Stahl. (2020) "B2 (Burning Code 2)". In Zooarchaeological Data from the Historic Hacienda El Progreso San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos, Ecuador. Peter W Stahl (Ed). Released: 2020-04-06. Open Context. <https://opencontext.org/predicates/e9cd730f-cd14-48a7-a86a-2adcf135b555>
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