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BRK1 (Breakage 1) (Descriptive Attribute)
Documentation Note

(2 fields to record Mixed Breakage Patterns, e.g. HE1; LO3 etc.)

Numeral 1 Numeral 2
HE Helical 1 Proximal
TR Transverse 2 Distal
OS Oblique, straight path3 Dorsal
OP Oblique, stepped path4 Ventral
ST Stepped path 5 Medial
LO Longitudinal 6 Lateral
LB Longitudinal and Oblique
TL Transverse and Longitudinal
SA Sagittal
V V-shaped
U Unknown
Suggested Citation

Peter W Stahl. (2020) "BRK1 (Breakage 1)". In Zooarchaeological Data from the Historic Hacienda El Progreso San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos, Ecuador. Peter W Stahl (Ed). Released: 2020-04-06. Open Context. <>

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