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7 July 2023
T26 was established as a 7m x 3m rectangle with a 3m x 2m extension 3m from the northern baulk wall. The trench was strung and cleaned for opening photos. Opening photos were taken of the trench and of individual Loci. 12 Loci were opened and opening elevations and coordinates were taken.
T26 opening coordinates:
NW: 174E/64S
SW: 174E/71S
SE1: 177E/71S
SE2: 177E/68S
E1: 179E/68S
E2: 179E/66S
NE1: 177E/66S
NE2: 177E/64S
T26 opening elevations:
NW: 26.98m AE
SW: 26.64m AE
SE1: 26.64m AE
SE2: 26.65m AE
E1: 26.64m AE
E2: 26.66m AE
NE1: 26.78m AE
NE2: 26.71m AE
Locus 1 opening coordinates
NW: 174E/64S
SW: 174E/67.57S
SE1: 175.40E/67.37S
SE2: 179E/68S
NE2: 177E/64S
Locus 1 opening elevations:
NW: 26.98m AE
SW: 26.78m AE
SE1: 26.72m AE
SE2: 26.64m AE
NE2: 26.66m AE
NE1: 26.71m AE
Locus 2 opening elevations:
NW: 26.72m AE
SW: 26.68m AE
SE: 26.68m AE
NE: 26.69m AE
Locus 2 opening coordinates:
NW: 174E/67.64S
SW1: 174E/70.22S
SE1: 174.43E/70.22S
NE1: 174E/67.64S
Locus 3 opening coordinates:
NW: 175.01E/68.71S
SW: 174.42E/70.18S
SE: 175E/68.54S
NE: 175.47E/68.84S
Locus 3 opening elevations:
NW: 26.79m AE
SW: 26.70m AE
SE: 26.71m AE
NE: 26.78m AE
Locus 4 opening coordinates:
NW: 176.37E/67.82S
SW: 175E/71S
SE: 177E/71S
NE: 177E/67.96S
Locus 4 opening elevations:
NW1: 26.73m AE
NW2: 26.69m AE
NW3: 26.62m AE
SW: 26.70m AE
SE: 26.64m AE
NE1: 26.65m AE
NE2: 26.65m AE
Locus 5 opening coordinates:
N: 175.87E/ 68.04S
SW: 174.93E/68.47S
SE: 175.78E/68.36S
Locus 5 opening elevations:
N: 26.86m AE
SW: 26.86m AE
SE: 26.82m AE
Locus 6 opening coordinates:
NW: 175.24E/67.42S
SW: 175.26E/67.62S
SE: 175.43E/67.55S
NE: 175.4E/67.37S
Locus 6 opening elevation:
26.73m AE
Locus 7 opening coordinates:
NW: 175.81E/67.19S
SW: 175.82E/68.52S
SE: 176.29E/68.33S
SE: 176.39E/67.29S
Locus 7 opening elevations:
NW: 26.56m AE
SW: 26.60m AE
SE: 26.58m AE
NE: 26.46m AE
Locus 8 opening coordinates:
NW: 177.03E/66.41S
SW: 177.00E/67.23S
SE: 177.61E/67.48S
NE: 178.21E/66.36S
Locus 8 opening elevations:
NW: 26.55m AE
SW: 26.49m AE
SE: 26.59m AE
NE: 26.53m AE
Locus 9 opening coordinates:
NW: 176.51E/67.30S
SW: 176.39E/67.57S
SE: 176.92E/67.60S
NE: 176.81E/67.26S
Locus 9 opening elevations:
NW: 26.46m AE
SW: 26.59m AE
SE: 26.63m AE
NE: 26.50m AE
Locus 10 opening coordinates: [Ed: coordinates missing in trench book here, were added]
NW: 178.21E/66.36S
SW: 177.61E/67.48S
SE: 178.83E/67.81S
NE: 178.83E/66.36S
Locus 10 opening elevations:
NW: 26.53m AE
SW: 26.67m AE
SE: 26.73m AE
NE: 26.58m AE
Locus 11 opening elevations: [Ed: opening elevations missing in trench book here, were added]
NW: 26.92m AE
SW: 26.92m AE
SE: 26.92m AE
NE: 26.92m AE
Locus 11 opening coordinates:
NW: 177.83E/67.75S
SW: 177.84E/67.95S
SE: 178.67E/67.94S
NE: 178.55E/67.61S
Locus 12 opening coordinates:
NW: 175.21E/67.49S
SW: 175.51E/67.59S
SE: 175.10E/67.32S
NE: 175.01E/67.28S
Locus 12 opening elevations:
NW: 26.69m AE
SW: 26.75m AE
SE: 26.76m AE
NE: 26.70m AE
Locus 1 is a dark brown soil and clay mixture that is highly compressed due to it being sunbaked. Locus 1 has a uneven surface with horizontally growing roots due to being covered by a tarp. The layer is composed of a rectangle of unexcavated soil representing the level that excavations reached [Ed:?] in the 1980s.
Locus 2 is a plaster floor surface representing the OC2/Workshop floor. The surface extends 2.30m from its northern edge before appearing to form a corner.
Locus 3 is a layer of dirt that appears in a rectangle 50cm wide extending from Locus 5 to the southern baulk wall. The layer appears to be a straight cut in the floor filled by a brown clay.
Locus 4 is a plaster floor surface that functioned as the OC2/Workshop floor surface. The locus is the extent of the floor to the east of the locus 3 break in the floor.
Locus 5 is a triangular worked limestone measuring 0.45m x 0.30m x 0.30m that is positioned 0.87m from the eastern baulk wall. Locus 5 is a column pad of the OC2/Workshop structure.
Locus 6 is a smaller rectangular worked limestone measuring 0.18m x 0.12m about 0.54m north of the extent of Locus 8.
Locus 7 is a dark carbon included brown soil that is triangular in shape. The layer was exposed in 2019 after sectioning through the plaster floor surface.
Locus 8 is a soil fill with exposed tiles and plaster that was revealed within a depression to the north of the workshop floor (Locus 3). Locus 8 covers Locus 9, a fragment of the plaster surface that is cracked off and sloping within the depression revealed in 2019.
Locus 10 is a carbon included dark brown layer that is semicircular in shape. The layer represents the highest soil associated with the depression revealed in 2019.
Locus 11 is a worked limestone with rounded edges that measres 0.35m x0.90m within the trench. The limestone is a stone column pad in the north of the OC2/Workshop.
Locus 12 is a layer of 3 pan tiles that are resting on the sloping surface of Locus 10 and the sloping floor surface of Locus 9. The tiles are located close to the northern estent of the OC2/Workshop roof.
The loci were drawn on millimeter paper. While the trench drawings were completed excavation began in the southern most 50cm of the eastern extent of Locus 1. The area was picked using a large pick axe. The pick pass revealed soil that was compacted and hardened due to the tarps and previous exposure. Hand picks were used to break up larger dirt clods that were too hard to break up by hand. The soil close to border of Locus 2 is very dark in color with frequent inclusions of carbon. Small amount of tile, pottery, and frequent fragments of plaster are being recovered. Two fragments of plaster with reed impressions (Special Find #2 & Special Find #3) were recovered along with a fragment of burnt bone(Special Find #4).
Special Find #2
Locus 2
174.19m E
66.57m S
26.85m AE
Plaster with reed impression
Special Find #3
Locus 1
174.77m E
67.00m S
26.84m AE
Plaster with reed impressions
Special Find #4
Locus 1
179.80m E
66.88m S
26.71m AE
Burnt Bone & associated fragments
While sorting continued in Locus 1, hand picks were used to remove the baked soil that is compacted in Locus 8. While sorting, a fragment of vitrified terracotta (Special Find #5) and an additional fragment of vitrified terracotta (Special Find #6) were recovered.
Special Find #5
Locus 8
174.18m E
67.02m S
26.80m AE
Vitrified Terracotta
Special Find #6
Locus 8
177.16m E
67.11m AE
Vitrified Terracotta
The same area of Locus 1 was picked using a pick axe in order to remove the compacted and sun baked soil. The pickpass revealed a ligher brown soil to the north of the carbon included layer. Additional excavation is needed to determine if the lighter soil extends or is caused by a large amount of plaster inclusions. The picked soil was covered with a tarp during lunch.
The soil picked before lunch was sorted into buckets by hand. A large amaunt of vitrified materials, carbon, and plaster continues to be recovered. A fragment of plaster with a reed impression (Special Find #7), a fragment of vitrified tile (Special Find #8) and a fragment of vitrified terracotta with 8 associated fragments were recovered (Special Find #9).
Special Find #7
Locus 1
174.89m E
66.61m S
26.79m AE
Plaster with reed impression
Special Find #8
Locus 1
174.36m E
66.27m S
26.85m AE
Vitrified Terracotta
Special Find #9
Locus 1
174.20m E
66.41m S
26.75m AE
Vitrified Terracotta & 8 associated fragments
The soil in Locus 8 continues to be lowered using handpicks and trowels in order to investigate the extent of the slope between Locus 8 and Locus 10 and to investigate the relationship of the roof tiles in Locus 12 with the tile visible in the eastern extent of Locus 8. While sorting soil by hand into buckets a fragment of burnt bone was found (Special Find #10).
Special Find #10
Locus 8
177.60m E
66.48m S
26.69m AE
Burnt Bone & associated frags.
Sorting by hand into buckets continued in Locus 1. Frequent inclusions of small to medium sized roots, associated with the oak tree to the east of the trench are being found throughout the area being excavated in Locus 1. Frequent fragments of plaster are being recovered along with some fragments of terracotta. Vitrified material is frequently being recovered, such as a fragment of vitrified plaster (Special Find #11), and vitrified terracotta (Special Find #12). Plaster with reed impressions continue to be recovered (Special Find #13) (Special Find #14).
Special Find #11
Locus 1
174.22m E
66.51m S
26.93m AE
Vitrified plaster
Special Find #12
Locus 1
174.35m E
66.63m S
26.90m AE
Vitrified Terracotta & 29 frags
*3 largest frags drawn
Special Find #13
Locus 1
174.66m E
66.36m S
26.91m AE
Plaster with reed impressions
Special Find #14
Locus 1
174.41m E
66.67m S
26.88m AE
Plaster with reed impression and 2 associated fragments
The loose soil was sorted into buckets by hand and the trench was swept. Closing elevations were taken.
Closing elevations:
Locus 1:
NW: 26.95m AE
SW: 26.68m AE
SE: 26.74m AE
NE: 26.87m AE
Daily Totals:
Locus 1
Terracotta - 9 pcs
Plaster - 1 bowl
Locus 8
Terracotta - 1 pc.
Plaster - 26 pcs
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Entry Type | Excavation Activities |
Title | T26-2022 (NKD) excavation, p. 27-52 |
Entry Year | 2022 |
Trench Book Entry Date | 2022-07-07 |
Start Page | 27 |
End Page | 52 |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Trench Book NKD II T26 2022
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Anthony Tuck. (2025) "T26-2022 (2022-07-07):27-52; excavation from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 26/T26 2022". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>
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