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Locus Summary

A total of 18 loci were defined within meters 273-28S / 275-280E of CD 9 in the 2001 season. Although 18 loci were defined only 9 distinct soil variations were encountered as represented by loci 1,2,3, and 8. Many of the additional loci cna be equated to loci 1,2, and 3. These were created because of a series of extensions that were made over the course of excavation (see diagrams in KLH III pg.49, 57, 65, 69, and 75). Locus 8 represents a pocket of carbon surrounded by locus 9 which is a light yellowish brown soil. THroughout the majority of th trench, there appears to be three main loci. The topsoil layer is generally followed by either a layer of dark brown soil with pockets of carbon or followed directly with the third locus characteristically containing yellowish brown soil and small stone particules throughout and pockets of galestra. The topsoil cuts generally contian small amounts of pottery and terracotta that is very heavily worn and fragmentary. The soil containing the carbon concentrations have an increased amount of pottery and terracotta but many are still heavily worn. Locus 3 produced

a large amount of pottery and tile and few showed any signs of wear.

Locus 1: characteristically dark brown soil with heavy organic material. This represents the topsoil cut and produced small amounts of very worn pottery and tile,

Coordinates opening depth closing depth bd

278S, 277 E                      13.4 cm *                      82.5 cm

277S, 278 E                       16.4 cm*                      80.0 cm

277 S, 279 E                      18.5 cm*

276 S, 277 E                      12.2 cm*                       75.0 cm

279 S, 279 E                      20.2 cm*                       74.0 cm

276 S, 279 E                      18.1 cm*                       81.0 cm

* These measurements are from a known bedrock point that is 52 cm below datum

Locus 2: characteristically dark brown soil with organic material, hard and dry in texture with pockets of carbon concentrations.

coordinates opening depth bs bd closing bs bd

278 S, 277 E              9 cm                       82.5 cm         ---------             91 cm

276 S, 277 E              10 cm                     75 cm            ---------             84 cm

278 S, 279 E               9 cm                      74 cm            ---------            92.6 cm

276 S, 279 E               8 cm                      81 cm            ---------            86 cm

277 S, 278 E               --------                     80 cm             ---------           89.5 cm

Locus 3: characteristically light yellowish brown soil with small white stone particles throughout.

coordinates opening depth bd closing depth bs bd

276 S, 277 E                 84.0 cm                  -----------                    99.6 cm

276 S, 279 E                 86.0 cm                  31.0 cm                   97.1 cm

278S, 277 E                  91.0 cm                  30.3 cm                   99.9 cm

278 S, 279 E                 92.6 cm                  34.3 cm                   98.8 cm

277 S, 278 E                89.5 cm                   -------------                 103.0 cm

Locus 4: characteristically dark brown soil with organic material. Equates with locus 1.

coordinates opening depth bd closing depth bd

277 S, 279 E                 65.4 cm                            85.0 cm

277 S, 280 E                 69.2 cm                            79.9 cm

276 S, 280 E                 64.6 cm                            80.2 cm

276 S, 279 E                 67.1 cm                            80.7 cm

276.5 S, 279.5 E           68.0 cm                             84.1 cm

Locus 5 : characteristically medium brown soil, yellowish with small stone partuculates throughout. Equates with locus 3.

coordinates opening bd closing bd bs

277 S, 279 E                    85.0 cm                 94.5 cm               35.3 cm

277 S, 280 E                    79.9 cm                 92.4 cm               26.3 cm

276 S, 280 E                   80.2 cm                  96.8 cm               30.5 cm

276 S, 280 E                   80.2 cm                  97.1 cm               31 cm

276.5 S, 279.5 E              84.1 cm                  99.6 cm               ---------

Locus 6: characteristically dark brown soil with heavy amounts of organic material. Equates with locus 1.

coordinates opening depth bd closing bd

278 S, 276 E                     61.6 cm                    68.4 cm

278 S, 277 E                     62.1 cm                   75.2 cm

276 S, 276 E                      61.4 cm                   67.3 cm

276 S, 277 E                       61.3 cm                  70.5 cm

277 S, 276.5 E                    69.7 cm                  77.4 cm

Locus 7: characteristically dark brown soil with organic material and carbon concentrations. Equals locus 2.

coordinates opening depth bd closing depth bd

278 S, 276 E                     68.4 cm                        77.3 cm

278 S, 277 E                     75.2 cm                        74.9 cm

276 S, 276 E                      67.3 cm                        79.5 cm

276 S, 277 E                      70.5 cm                        76.6 cm

27.20 S, 276.55  E              77.4 cm                        80.1 cm

Locus 8: dark soil with high concentration of carbon in the shape of an oval/circle.

coordinates opening depth bd closing depth bd

276.85 S, 277 E                      71.7 cm                         71.7 cm

276.91 S, 276.92 E                  77.6 cm                        77.6 cm

277 S, 276.83 E                       79.8 cm                        79.8 cm

277.18 S, 276.68 E                   81.3 cm                        81.3 cm

277.40 S, 276.82 E                   80.6 cm                        80.6 cm

277.44 S, 276 E                        79.2 cm                       79.2 cm

277.14 S, 276.90 E                    80.1 cm                      80.1 cm

Locus 9: light brown to yellowish soil with small stone particulates throughout. Equates with locus 3.

coordinates opening depth bd closing depth bd bs

276 S, 277 E                      76.6 cm                            76.6 cm               --------

276 S, 276 E                      79.5 cm                             79.5 cm              --------

278 S, 276 E                      77.3 cm                             77.3 cm            25.4 cm

278 S, 277 E                      74.9 cm                             74.9 cm            18.7 cm

277.14 S, 276.90 E             80.1 cm                            80.1 cm               ---------

Locus 10: dark brown soil wiht heavy organic material and represents a topsoil cut. Equates with locus 1.

coordinates opening depth bd closing depth bd

276 S, 279 E                  53.6 cm                            81.5 cm

276 S, 277 E                  51.1 cm                            84.7 cm

275 S, 277 E                  50.6 cm                            85.6 cm

275 S, 279 E                  57.2 cm                            86.9 cm

275.55 S, 278 E              50.6 cm                           87.7 cm

Locus 11: yellow soil with small white stone particulates throughout and pockets of galestra. Equates with locus 3.

coordinates opening bd closing bd bs

276 S, 277 E                   84.7 cm                      87.2 cm                 ----------

276 S, 279 E                   81.5 cm                      89.5 cm                 19.3 cm

275 S, 277 E                   85.6 cm                      85.6 cm                  25.1 cm

275 S, 279 E                   86.9 cm                      90.3 cm                   22.2 cm

275.5 S, 278 E                 86.7 cm                     87.1 cm                   -----------

Locus 12 : topsoil cut wiht dark brown soil and organic material. Equates with locus 1.

coordinates opening bd closing bd

276 S, 275 E                   59.1 cm                      77.6 cm

276 S, 276 E                   58.6 cm                      67.0 cm

278 S, 275 E                   64.8 cm                       66.9 cm

278 S, 276 E                   61.6 cm                        66.4 cm

277 S, 275.5 E                66.8 cm                        77.1 cm

Locus 13: light brown/yellowish soil with small white particulates throughout and pockets of carbon. Equates with locus 3.

coordinates opening bd closing bd bs

276 S, 275 E                   77.6 cm                        90.3 cm               31.4 cm

276 S, 276 E                   67.0 cm                        88.4 cm                ----------

278 S, 275 E                   66.9 cm                        88.4 cm                23.3 cm

278 S, 276 E                   66.4 cm                        89.8 cm                ----------

277 S, 275.5 E                73.1 cm                         96.5 cm                ----------

Locus 14: topsoil cut, dark brown soil with heavy organic material, roots, and sporadic carbon. Equals with locus 1.

coordinates opening bd closing bd bs

275S, 275 E                   54.4 cm                           71.3 cm              15.5 cm

276 S, 275 E                  49.5 cm                           72.5 cm              15.4 cm

275.5 S, 276 E               57.1 cm                           71.4 cm               ----------

275 S, 277 E                  58.0 cm                           70.6 cm               ----------

276 S, 277 E                  50.1 cm                           75.5 cm              16.7 cm

Locus 15: light brown soil with small stone particulates throughout and small amounts of carbon. Equates with locus 3.

coordinates opening bd bs closing bd bs

275 S, 275 E                 71.3 cm         15.5 cm         86.5 cm           35.7 cm

275 S, 277 E                 70.6 cm          ------              85.1 cm           25.4 cm

276 S, 275 E                 72.5 cm          15.4 cm        90.3 cm            31.4 cm

276 S, 277 E                 75.5 cm          16.7 cm        87.2 cm            ----------

275.5 S, 276 E              71.4 cm          ----------           87.9 cm           ----------

Locus 16: topsoil cut with dark brown soil and heavy organic material. Equates with locus 1.

coordinates opening bd closign bd bs

275 S, 275 E               70.4 cm               70.7 cm               18.0 cm

275 S, 277 E               64.3 cm               68.6 cm               17.0 cm

273 S, 275 E               60.0 cm               73.5 cm                16.8 cm

273 S, 277 E               59.1 cm               75.3 cm                 17.0 cm

274 S, 276 E               57.0 cm               69.7 cm                 -------------

Locus 17: brown-yellowish soi with white particulates throughout and carbon pockts. Equates with locus 2.

coordinates oprning bd bs closing bd bs

273 S, 275 E             73.5 cm             16.8 cm        83.7 cm             13.3 cm

273 S, 277 E             75.3 cm              17.0 cm       84.6 cm             11.7 cm

275 S, 277 E             68.6 cm              12.5 cm       75.1 cm              16.6 cm

275 S, 275 E             70.7 cm              18.00 cm      76.5 cm             16.7 cm

274 S, 276 E             69.7 cm              --------            77.2 cm             ----------

Locus 18: light yellow soil wiht white particulates throughout and pockets of galestra. Equates with locus 3.

coordinates opening bd bs closing bd

274 S, 275 E                89.7 cm               29.8 cm            89.7 cm

274 S, 277 E               91.5 cm                 32.3 cm           91.5 cm

275 S, 275 E               86.5 cm                 27.7 cm           86.5 cm

275 S, 277 E               85.1 cm                 23.6 cm           85.1 cm

274.5 S, 276 E            87.2 cm                  ---------             87.2 cm

Locus Matrix for CD*9 meters 273-278 S/275-280E

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Document Type Trench Book Entry
Trench Book Entry Date 2001-07-06
Entry Year 2001
Start Page 120
End Page 135
Title Locus Summary
Trench Book KLH III:120-121
Trench Book KLH III:122-123
Trench Book KLH III:124-125
Trench Book KLH III:126-127
Trench Book KLH III:128-129
Trench Book KLH III:130-131
Trench Book KLH III:132-133
Trench Book KLH III:134-135
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
KLH III info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Kristin L. Hostetler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Kristin L. Hostetler. (2017) "KLH III (2001-07-06):120-135; Locus Summary from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate D/Civitate D 9/2001, ID:444". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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