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Pottery Summary

Pottery Summary

Trench Ag9 Baulk Trim: Locus 1,2

Topsoil Layer: Locus 3,7,12,23

Light yellowish-brown layer: Locus 4,8,14

Pale yellow with carbon layer: Locus 5,9,11,15

Stone feature: Locus 6,10,16,24

Outside stone feature (west): Locus 17,18,19,20

Inside stone feature (east): Locus 21,22

Baulk trimming - material discarded


Trench Ag9BT

impasto: rims

Topsoil layer

coarseware: rims

coarseware: handles

impasto: rims

impasto: handles

orangeware: rims

Light yellow-brown layer

coarseware: rims

coarseware: bases

impasto: rims

orangeware: rims

greyware: rims

Pale yellow with carbon layer

coarseware: rims

coarseware: rims (cont)

coarseware: bases

coarseware: handles

impasto: rims

impasto: bases

impasto: handles

orangeware: rims

creamware: rims

creamware: handles

greyware: rims

greyware: rims

Stone feature

coarseware: rims

coarseware: bases

impasto: rims

creamware: rims

Outside stone feature (west)

coarseware: rims

coarseware: bases

coarseware: handles

Outside stone feature

coarseware: handles (cont)

impasto: rims

impasto: bases

impasto: handles

orangeware: rims

Inside stone feature (east)

coarseware: handles

impasto: rims

impasto: bases

impasto/buccheroid: handle

Ceramic recovered from Agger 9 Ext. was generally fragmentary and very worn.  The most common fabric was impasto, followed by coarseware.  Fineware and bucchero was scarce in this area and often separated as special finds.  Buccheroid fragments tended to be small and worn, and thus difficult to distinguish.  For this reason they are categorized together with impasto in this summary.  The greatest amount of ceramic evidence was recovered from the stratum containing concentrations of carbon and possibly associated with the orientalizing destruction phase of the site.  A significant number of these pieces show evidence

of burn.  During excavation of the strata on either side on the structure wall, a greater amount of ceramic evidence was recovered from the area outside (to the west), than from the area corresponding to the potential inside of the structure (to the east).  This may largely be due to the smaller portion (less than 1 meter) of the thin inner area excavated in Agger 9 Ext.

Total Ceramic Recovery by Stratum

Ag9BT                      27              1%

Topsoil                     223            13%

Light yellow-brown     283            17%

Pale yellow w/carbon 630            36%

Wall                         157             9%

Outside Bldg.            356             20%

Inside Bldg.                69              4%

1,745           100%

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Document Type Trench Book Entry
Trench Book Entry Date 1997-08-07
Entry Year 1997
Start Page 226
End Page 259
Title Pottery Summary
Trench Book GM I:226-227
Trench Book GM I:228-229
Trench Book GM I:230-231
Trench Book GM I:232-233
Trench Book GM I:234-235
Trench Book GM I:236-237
Trench Book GM I:238-239
Trench Book GM I:240-241
Trench Book GM I:242-243
Trench Book GM I:244-245
Trench Book GM I:246-247
Trench Book GM I:248-249
Trench Book GM I:250-251
Trench Book GM I:252-253
Trench Book GM I:254-255
Trench Book GM I:256-257
Trench Book GM I:258-259
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
GM I info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Gretchen Meyers info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Gretchen Meyers. (2017) "GM I (1997-08-07):226-259; Pottery Summary from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Agger/Agger 9 Extension/1997, ID:354". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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